Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Me? Raid leader???

So after joining my current guild's second raid group they decided to change the days, for one person, to Fri and Sat. There is no way that I would raid two weekend nights in a row! So I spoke with the GM and asked her if another group could be started. It was either that or I was going to have to find yet another place to call home. Didn't really want to do that cause I like this guild. She said yes and told me to put it together and lead it. O.o

I have never lead a raid before, however I have been in plenty of good and not so good raids to know the basic requirements. My first mission was to convince Izzy to come back to playing WoW and to help me heal. He agreed, although he doesn't like the idea of being in a so called 3rd group, that's his elitist side talking lol. So with a bit of guidance from him I put together a group with a few guildies and recruited to fill the gaps. Our first week we ended on shamans which we got down to 5%, when we came back this week, it was a piece of cake. This week we made it all the way to Thok, and left his ass at about 32%. Not bad for only two weeks of raiding together!!!

Our tank guides us through most fights and we make adjustments here and there when needed, which leaves me to put the group together, make sure we have noodles and flasks to go around, and keep them moving when they get to chatting too much before pulls. We've ended up with 3 couples in the group which is kinda cool and makes for a very laid back and fun raid dynamic. I'm very much looking forward to hitting heroics with these guys, we're kicking some major SoO butt!!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Guild hopping?...

I really hate switching guilds too often, but I had to. The guild I joined when I server transferred has a little clique that I felt like I just couldn't get into. My intentions weren't to leave, but simply find a group that I can raid with casually n a weekly basis with. Last week while I spammed trade for such a group I got a reply from a shaman named Diamond who convinced me that I should join his guild's second 10 man raid group. He convinced me to join a team that was only 2 bosses into SoO!!! How he managed that is beyond me. I know I'm only 10/14, but 2/14 O.o, I can do that with a pug! But something about they way he spoke of his guild drew me in and I joined and hoped for the best.

I did my first run with them on Saturday night and we're already 6 bosses in with a good feeling that more will die tonight! I'm very happy I made the change. These guys are great! I was immediately made to feel welcome, a part of the team, it's been great thus far. I'm very happy that i made the change and look forward to progressing with this wonderful group of people!

Have you ever felt like an outsider in a guild? Did you stick with it or look for another place to call home?