Eventually I hit level 70 on my shaman and found a guild that would take me in and show me the ropes, and I was very quickly geared and was made one of their main raid healers. This was back when Zul'Aman first came out and was a 10 player heroic instance. I was in the same guild until Wrath came out and I was no longer able to raid with them due to my work schedule.
It was shortly after Wrath that when I met Izzy, in a Naxx 25 run. This was around the end of March 2009. I had joined a friend's guild while I searched for a semi hardcore raiding guild that fit my schedule. We were stuck on Patchwerk due to horrible healing assignments and poor leadership and Izzy was asked to come in to help heal on his priest and lead us to finally kill the boss. I found him to be annoying and cocky, and did my best to ignore him the rest of the night.
The next day when I logged on I found him in vent chatting it up with some friends I'd been leveling Sabeene with and was about to leave when he started talking to me. He was completely different than he had been the night before and we went off to run some dungeons together. We hit it off great and played very well together. From that day on we were at each other's side for everything we did in-game. Eventually we found out that we lived about 20 minutes away from each other and decided to meet.
We started dating on June 30th, 2009 and have been together ever since. In real life we have 2 children together now and in WoW we can never be separated. When we join a new guild they know we come as a package, and it hasn't always been easy to find a guild that needs two healers. But we've managed and thankfully we're both good healers so they are not sacrificing anything to have him, (I say him cause he is the better healer with all the experience and his sever firsts, but that's not to say that I can't hang :P)
We both took a hiatus from the game during the birth of both kids, this last one was longer though and affected us the most. And as such now we are desperately trying to catch up and learn about everything we missed.
Overall I've had a wonderful time playing this game and I hope it continues for more years to come.
This is totally outdated and more now than ever as I've taken a break from WoW and only had time to lvl to 110 before I stopped playing :(
My Characters:
Kaliapy: Also referred to by Izzy as colonoscopy and some guildies as tilapia... SIGH... (formerly known as Möya)
Level: 90
Professions: Engineering - 600, Mining - 600
Spec: Mistweaver Monk
Item Level: 558
Days played: 40 days, she's still a baby.

Sabeene: She was named after Sabine DeWinter, from The Three Musketeers. Unfortunately the correct spelling was taken, so I opted for this. She was originally a Night Elf and my first character. Since then I've gone Horde twice, first she was a Tauren for PvP purposes and this time around she's a Troll.
Level: 90
Professions: Alchemy - 600, Herbalism - 595
Spec: Resto Druid
Item Level: 479
Days Played: 149 days

Rhyannon: A beautiful name, one I wish was actually mine. I made her when Sabeene was around level 40 and she very quickly became my main and my first raiding character.
Level: 90
Professions: Enchanting - 600, Jewelcrafting - 600
Spec: Resto Shaman
Item Level: 518
Days Played: 196 days (my main for all expansions except MoP)

Hecatë: What better name for a shadow priest than the Goddess of he Underworld! She was my first to hit 90 when I started playing again after my hiatus because I thought I was going to make her my main, then I got Izzy to start playing on his priest so I quickly and happily switched to leveling my shaman with him.
Level: 90
Professions: Tailoring - 600, Inscription - 600
Spec: Undead Shadow Priest
Item Level: 481
Days Played: 28 days

Maharët: The name comes from the book Queen of the Damned. Izzy and I made twin DKs when they first became available. She's been deleted and restarted a few times when I wanted to switch factions and didn't have the money to pay for it. She was my first tank and boy do I have stories about that >.<
Level: 87
Professions: Jewelcrafting - 580, Mining - 580
Spec: Unholy Death Knight, until she hits 90, then she'll be one of my tanks.
Item Level: 393
Days Played:
Mabb: The queen of the fairies. I spent too much time watching Merlin.
Level: 80
Professions: Blacksmithing - 223, Mining - 263, I fail, I know :S
Spec: Protection Paladin
Item Level: 229
Days Played:
I have other lowbie characters, but I tend to delete toons that have been sitting there with no play time for too long. Leveling low characters is so easy these days that I don't have a problem deleting anything under level 40 or so.
I decided to do the math according to how many days I have played on all my 90s and it averages about 4 hours of play time every day for the last 7 years!!! Holy shit, talk about being addicted!
What a fantastic blog I'v really enjoyed reading about you, as it reminded me how my wife and I met similar to you And Izzy. Keep up the good work and I will look forward to reading about more of your adventurers In Azeroth.
ReplyDeleteThanks Ian. I would love to hear how you and your wife met! I love internet romance stories :D
DeleteWell where do I begin. I'd been playing WoW off and on since it launched in 2004. In 2006 I was contracting in Qatar and had nothing else to really do with my down time so I was playing WoW loads. The guild I was in at the time had just imploded due to one thing or another and I found myself guild-less and wondering around Azeroth not really knowing what to do with myself. At this point I must point out that my guild hadn't just been people to play with but they had become good friends and kept me up to date on things happening back home in the UK.
ReplyDeleteJust by chance Rayyn (my wife) was looking for a tank in trade chat so I replied and it turned out to be a guild group for whatever. Afterwards Rayyn whispered me to say thank you and asked me why I wasn't in a guild and if I would be interested in joining their's.
Figuring I had nothing to lose I accepted her guild invite, afterwards whenever I was online I always got a very friendly whisper from Rayyn and we hit it off and did everything together we ended up running a raiding guild together and after a lot of talking in game we agreed to meet the next time I was home and the rest is history.
We now have a little girl together and have moved to Canada and have started WoW again on the US servers and again we are running a raiding guild, although we haven't been as successful as we had be before due to being at the end of the Xpac.
Wonderful, love your stories, guys! I also have a young one at home and have recently come back to playing WoW... only difference is that my girlfriend is not playing with me :) But we also met by virtual means, through the internet, of course!