Mana Tea is now consumed at an increased rate of 1 stack per 0.5 seconds (up from 1 stack per 1 second). I still prefer the mechanics behind the Glyph of Mana Tea and will more than likely stick with it. It's just easier to work into a rotation than to find the time to channel it in busy fights.
Revival's healing has been reduced by 30%. We all knew this was coming, I'm sorry if you were in denial, although 30% seems a little harsh.
Chi Brew now restores 2 Chi, has a 45-second cooldown (down from 1.5 minutes), and generate stacks of Brew/Teas based on the Monk's specialization. I tried this talent for a bit, but noticed I didn't use it as much as I should have. I tend to prefer passive talents over those with cooldowns unless the rewards are really significant, and now I am definitely not investing in it. I believe most Mistweaver Monks use it to Uplift 4 times in a row during heavy AoE damage. Now you'll only be able to get 3 in there making it even with Ascension, minus the 15% mana increase.
- Mistweaver: 2 stacks of Mana Tea
Healing Elixirs will no longer activate if the Monk is already at full health, and activate automatically when the Monk has less than 35% of their maximum health. A good fix, but I personally still prefer to use Diffuse Magic. I tend to get into trouble sometimes due to lag and this helps keep me alive.
Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger now has a pet control bar for Xuen, and the talent is no longer on global cooldown for all Monk specializations. Because this provides no healing in and of it self and only through Eminence, I use it very seldom. I prefer to use Chi Torpedo. If I have to move anywhere during a boss fight I make every effort to do it either by Chi Torpedo or Spinning Crane Kick.
Power Strikes will now activate from the following Chi generating abilities; Jab, Expel Harm, Spinning Crane Kick (when it hits at least 3 targets), Crackling Jade Lightning, and Soothing Mist. This is in tier 3 of your talents along with Ascension and Chi Brew. By the looks of it they wanted to equalize these 3 talents and now it's just a personal preference of which one you want to use.
Ring of Peace has a new visual effect that properly depicts its area-of-effect, and now disarms both enemies and those attacking allies within the Ring of Peace's area-of-effect for 4 seconds (up from 3 seconds); the silence effect for casting spells remains unchanged at 3 seconds. I tend to use this one the most from this tier.
Rushing Jade Wind has been redesigned and replaces Spinning Crane Kick.
- Rushing Jade Wind: The Monk summons a whirling tornado around them, dealing damage to nearby enemies (heals nearby allies for Mistweavers). Rushing Jade Wind has the same costs, Chi generation, and periodic rate as Spinning Crane kick, but, deals 60% of the periodic damage or healing, lasts 6 seconds, is instant, and not channeled. I am definitely looking forward to this. Now we have an AoE heal that will allow us to continue healing while it does it's thing.
Zen Sphere now deals 15% more healing and damage. Something to test out, don't know how this boost will compare with Chi Wave and Chi Burst.
They made changes to some of the Major Glyphs, but the only ones that really peeked my interest are below:
Major Glyphs
- Glyph of Detox causes Detox to heal the target when it successfully removes a harmful effect. This will come in handy on fights where you find yourself decursing a lot.
- Glyph of Targeted Expulsion now causes Expel Harm to heal for 50% as much when used on other targets.
- Glyph of Uplift has been replaced by Glyph of Targeted Expulsion.
- Glyph of Targeted Expulsion allows Expel Harm to be used on other players. With Spinning Crane Kick gone there will be no need for Glyph of Spinning Crane Kick which leaves an empty slot for a new glyph, and I believe this will be the one I will use. I use Expel Harm on cooldown to regenerate chi. Now I can use it to heal someone other than myself since the majority of the time it just contributes to overhealing.
I have no complains about the changes they will be making to Mistweaver Monks, and of course nothing is ever final until the patch is out; but I'm looking forward to trying out the new raids and bosses and I hope to be able to post about them from my perspective as our guild progresses through them.
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