After trying to kill Garrosh for 3 weeks with close attempts (8% on phase 3) and no success, everyone is getting a little frustrated. Totally understandable. The problem is mainly due to people going the opposite direction of the rest of the group during Empowered Whirling Corruption and that's when they are not dying to random stupid things, like getting hit by the Iron Star for no reason other than just not paying attention.
We have a pretty cool 10 man group, we all get along fairly well, we joke around and have plenty of laughs during raid time. Everyone in the group is mature and know what they have to do and get it done. It's very rare that I have to say something to them, unless they're having a little too much fun during a boss fight and it's affecting their performance. At that point my tone gets a little stern, I tell them to focus, they do, the boss dies and we all go back to enjoying ourselves.
Garrosh is a jerk though, and he's making me be a bit more harsh with my raid team than they are used to, especially this weekend and some people didn't like that. We've been raiding together for almost 2 months and although I like to generalize it, so as to not single anyone out when people are messing up, some of them wanted to know if it was them in particular. So after 3 hours of wiping on Garrosh people needed to be called out on their mistakes and that's when feeling started getting hurt.
Why are you getting defensive? Did you want me to ask you nicely not to stand in things that will kill you, or stay to please stay in the vicinity of the healers, or not die to stupid shit? Did I need to say pretty please with a cherry on top??? Seriously! Why are you getting me at me for finally raising my voice after 3 hours and 3 weeks of the same mistakes?
Maybe I have a different mind set or just used to raid leaders yelling in general. Is that the biggest difference between 10 and 25 mans? I've raided 25 mans for the past 7, going on 8, years. I've raided hardcore with plenty of heroics and casual with my fair share of bad pugs in between. I'm used to having an entire 25 man team being yelled at for making the same mistakes after just a few attempts on progression fights and unless I was being disrespected I never took it offensive, much less personal.
So why is there a difference in 10 man? Shouldn't a 10 man team be a more tight-knit group and therefore less likely to get butt hurt for being individually asked to stop screwing up? Or is it because you are so much closer that they take it so personal? Maybe this is more an issue of people just not being used to progression raiding?
Lessons in raid leading at it's best, I suppose. I've been told that sometimes I need to treat them like children, I have 4 of those, so I guess I should have plenty of experience to deal with them then lol.
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