Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Liebster Awards

Early yesterday morning I got a notification from Neri of Mama Needs Mana about nominating me for a Liebster Award! After spending some time doing a little bit of research I learned that the Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers by other up and coming bloggers. This is simply a way of getting to know each other and networking!
It's an honor to be nominated and it feels great to know that people are actually reading my blog :D  And now to answer Neri's questions:
1. What inspired you to start blogging? I used to keep a journal as a kid, and I decided to pick it up again but this time a digital one, so I started a blog, but I found that I wasn't keeping up with it as much as I would like. So after giving it some though I came to the conclusion that I should start by writing about something I love and am totally addicted to: World of Warcraft. I've been able to keep up with it and once in a while I do write about personal things which gives me a place to vent as well.
2. If you won a free ticket to Blizzcon, what panels would you be most excited about seeing?  I would have to say the announcement for an upcoming WoW expansion would be the most thrilling for me. It's always a lot of fun to see what they're coming up with next and what we have to look forward to in the game.

3. How do you balance time in-game with your 'RL' commitments? Very carefully! I could spend all day playing this game, so I make sure to get all my chores out of the way before I sit down to play. I make it a reward for my hard work and as an incentive for doing things I would rather not do. It keeps my house clean and my children fed :P
4. If World of Wardcraft shut down it's servers tomrorow (or you aren't currently playing), what would you be playing instead? I would probably be on the xbox or PS playing games like Borderlands or Tomb Raider.

5. Are there any bloggers out there who you aspire to be like? What is it about them that you love? One particular blogger comes to mind, Zeirah of A if for Azeroth and Z is for Zeirah. She's a very consistent blogger even if she has little to say she still posts something, but what I admire most is that she remembers to take screenshots! Most of the time I end up doing something fun or cool in-game that I would like to share on my blog, but feel horrible that I didn't capture the moment.

6. Are you brave enough to show us your gaming set up? Most definitely!

From left to right, you can tell a lot about me by the things on my desk: my sketchbook and art portfolio, prismacolor markets, 2TB hard drive, some iTunes gift cards, my cute zombie phone horder, prismacolor colorpencil set, current books I'm reading (Game of Thrones and Anne Rice's The Witching Hour), my PS Vita, my red planner which attempts to keep my crazy life in order and my daughters Nook which (I have totally jacked cause she never uses it) I use to lay in bed at night and go through Pinterest. And last but not least my new comp which I didn't get a picture of but you can see the stats here if you're so inclined to.

7. At what age would you let your children start playing video games? Well my 3 year old plays on his Leap Pad which he loves, however, a game like WoW I would wait until he's much older, preferably his teens. It also just depends on the game and the child's maturity level. Console games are much easier to deal with than games like MMOs where I have less control over how they are treated by other people.

8. You have a weekend of interruption free gaming ahead of you. What essential supplies do you stock up on to get you through it? CRUSH! I must have my Crush soda and prob some Combos or Tostito Chips and salsa.

9. If you had to pick any job in the gaming industry, what would it be? I would love to work designing gear. I've been on a huge transmog kick lately, trying to find something in mail that I would like for my shamans to wear but nothing seems to please me.

10. Have you ever done any gaming cosplay? I'm actually a very shy and introverted person so cosplay is definitely something I would leave for others with more nerve.

11. What is the most ridiculous thing you've ever seen done in an MMO or multy-player game? Well, Izzy, my husband, used to keep a knife that his sister got him on one of her trips to Europe on his desk. One night while raiding he dropped the knife and it accidentally fell on his foot mid boss fight and he left it there until the fight was over. He then removed it, cleaned himself up and continued raiding >.< He has a 1 inch scar on the top of his foot where the knife pierced him. That's what I call hardcore raiding lol. I would have ditched the group to go lick my wounds.

Now for my nominations!

I would have added a few more, but Neri nominated a lot of blogs that I read and admire as well :) Hopefully some of you reading my blog will go visit the above mentioned, they're some pretty cool people.

Here are my questions to you:

1. What made you decide to start blogging?
2. What advice do you have for those wanting to start a WoW/gaming blog?
3. What's the biggest noob mistake you recall making when you first started playing WoW?
4. Besides WoW, what do you enjoy doing on your spare time?
5. What's your biggest pet peeve in and out of game?
6. How many years have you been playing MMOs and have you ever quit and why?
7. If you could meet any fictional game character who would it be and why?
8. How do you go about picking your character's names?
9. Of all your characters, who's your favorite and why?
10. If you could pick one thing for Blizzard to bring back to the game, what would it be and why?
11. What's the one thing you wish Blizzard would implement in the game that isn't available yet and why?

Hope you guys have fun with this, and I look forward to seeing your answers!


  1. Congratulations on your nomination Rhiain and I will keep everything crossed for you. Your blog truly is worth reading.

  2. I think being there for the expansion announcement would be absolutely phenomenal. We usually have to get up at 3am to watch via virtual ticket (Yay for being on the other side of the world) and even then we all get so insanely hyped up by it all. I can't even imagine what we would be like if we were there in person!

    Awesome answers. I'm glad you had fun! :)

    1. Going to Blizzcon is def on our bucket list. Hopefully one of these years we can attend one.

      Thank you Neri, I had a lot of fun participating in this :)

    2. Ha, same here! We were totally keen to go this year, but someone had to go and get herself knocked up again! D'oh :P Guess that will be going on the backburner for a while yet.

  3. Bilzzcon is on our list as well we have had a virtual ticket nearly every year but I think there would nothing better then being there.

  4. Thanks again for the nomination, Yanet, and I finally answered you questions at my blog!
