Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Gearing up in a hurry!

Yesterday I hit 90 with Möya, my monk mistweaver, and I'm in a huge hurry to gear her up because I've already been ranked as a 25 man raider for the guild!
She's at a 440 item level right now and I need to get her to at least 500. That's a huge task which is going to require a lot of luck from LFR. I've already gotten her the 502 boots, and now I'm working on the Barrens weekly to get her a chest piece I picked up on another toon, just need the mojo. Then hopefully through a few heroics I'll be able to get into the first raids in LFR and go from there. It's a very daunting task, but definitely a challenge that I am up for. I'll continue to update this post as the day progresses and let's see how far I've gotten by 7pm EST, which is our raid time.

It's 10:15 am and they were just doing rolling restarts, so I'm gonna go check if WoW is back up now so I can get started on my crazy mission to raid heal tonight.

It's now 12:47 pm and Möya's item level is now 451. Just a little bit more to go to be able to get into LFR.  The grind continues...

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