Well, that's what I'm supposed to be doing tonight! Thanks to a full maintenance today I can't be on Möya right now running LFR for gear. Instead I've been getting lots of other things done around the house, like laundry, cleaning, practicing the piano and of course dealing with the babies, that never changes.
Since I wasn't able to get my gear high enough last Tuesday I am to start raiding today instead, and in true form, I am freaking out! We've killed him a few times now so I'm glad it's not our first attempt, but I'm still at a 476 item level and my HP is still not high enough for cover the damage of Ionization in Heroic Jin'rokh which inflicts 450k damage when removed. As a Monk I'll be using Defuse Magic but it's still a scary though.
I've been reading up on the fight from a Mistweaver Monk's perspective, since I've never raided as anything other than a resto shaman before I need as much advice and help as I can get. Icy-Veins has a great guide for Throne of Thunder as a Mistweaver here. I also found some YouTube videos of the fight from a healing Monk's perspective here and here. I have a lot of studying to do and hopefully I can get some practice time in LFR before raid tonight.
Wish me luck, I'm gonna need it! I hope not to emberrace myself too much :P
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