Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Heroic Galakras down for the count...

I'm not sure which fight I've hated more, Garrosh or Heroic Galakras. It's one of those fights were a single thing that goes wrong could easily wipe the raid. Since the raid is split into 2 groups for the portion of the time it's hard to recover if someone dies. Not to mention how it often it wants to teleport a tank or healer off the towers lol.

*Imagine awesome screenshot of raid group and Galakras here*

We ended up 2 healing it and towards the end it definitely got messy, so messy in fact we only had 3 people left alive. Should be easier next week now that we've got a better handle on positioning.

So for this week we're going to be working on Heroic Protectors which sounds a lot easier than Galakras, so hopefully we get them down with less issues.

And of course, I completely forgot to take a screenshot. So I've posted a pink sticky note to my monitor which says

"World of Logs

I'm hoping that will help lol. I did remember to upload the logs though, and here they are for anyone that may want to see our group in action :)

Friday, April 11, 2014

Busy, busy, busy...

Real life has been so hectic lately I've had no time to post about my life in WoW. I recently boosted my baby shaman in Aggramar which has been awesome because she went from 483 ilvl to 515 in less than a week. I'm working on her as I type, trying to get her to 531 so I can do Flex 4 with Uprising tonight. She's been very fortunate with gear, so hopefully I can get a few more pieces today.

I've almost given up on my DK entirely, I just can't seem to have any luck acquiring gear for her :(  I'll keep trying, but my focus has shifted entirely to the baby shaman, who I'm having a blast playing!

In real life, Izzy and I have been working hard to get our business up and running. And thus far it's going well, with a little more work on a weekly basis I can stay home with the kids without financial worries! Most of the work we've gotten so far has been by word of mouth, so now I'm working on our Etsy shop and Facebook page and soon our website. They are a work in progress, but you get the picture.

I was recently asked to make a guild banner for Uprising for Warlords of Draenor, but I'll wait for them to put it up on the site before showing that to you all :) I'm very please with how it turned out though and I hope the guild likes it as well.

Anyway, back to grinding LFRs and drawing up designs while I wait for queues to pop!