Wednesday, August 21, 2013

WoW Screenshot a Day: Day 15-21!

Wow, did I really slack on this for so many days?!?! With the kids heading back to school, my days have been very hectic!

Day 21: Slow

I love my Sea Turtle, but man is she slow!

Day 20: Stairs

This was taken in Karazhan, at the top of the stairs of Prince Malchezaar.

Day 19: Lost

Lost to time in Azshara.

Day 18: Someone you spoke to today

This should have been my slow day! it took forever for that rock to disappear off my farm!

Day 17: Exercise

Running from The Big Bad Wolf is a lot of exercise!

Day 16: Cooking

Cooking Engineer style! Mmmm... look at that tasty fish burger?!?!

Day 15: The Best

The best graphics and most detail I've ever seen in this game.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Monk Healing Changes for 5.4

5.4 is bringing some big changes not just to Pandaria and it's beautiful landscape, but to healers as well. Since I'm playing a Monk as my main, I'll start with that one first. The following comes from Blizzard and the red text is my opinion on the subject.



Mana Tea is now consumed at an increased rate of 1 stack per 0.5 seconds (up from 1 stack per 1 second).
I still prefer the mechanics behind the Glyph of Mana Tea and will more than likely stick with it. It's just easier to work into a rotation than to find the time to channel it in busy fights.

Revival's healing has been reduced by 30%.
We all knew this was coming, I'm sorry if you were in denial, although 30% seems a little harsh.


Chi Brew now restores 2 Chi, has a 45-second cooldown (down from 1.5 minutes), and generate stacks of Brew/Teas based on the Monk's specialization.
I tried this talent for a bit, but noticed I didn't use it as much as I should have. I tend to prefer passive talents over those with cooldowns unless the rewards are really significant, and now I am definitely not investing in it. I believe most Mistweaver Monks use it to Uplift 4 times in a row during heavy AoE damage. Now you'll only be able to get 3 in there making it even with Ascension, minus the 15% mana increase.
  • Mistweaver: 2 stacks of Mana Tea
Chi Burst no longer requires a target. It now travels as a 40-yard line in front of the Monk. Much easier to use this way. I switch between this and Chi Wave depending on the fight.

Healing Elixirs will no longer activate if the Monk is already at full health, and activate automatically when the Monk has less than 35% of their maximum health.
A good fix, but I personally still prefer to use Diffuse Magic. I tend to get into trouble sometimes due to lag and this helps keep me alive.

Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger
 now has a pet control bar for Xuen, and the talent is no longer on global cooldown for all Monk specializations. Because this provides no healing in and of it self and only through Eminence, I use it very seldom. I prefer to use Chi Torpedo. If I have to move anywhere during a boss fight I make every effort to do it either by Chi Torpedo or Spinning Crane Kick.

Power Strikes will now activate from the following Chi generating abilities; Jab, Expel Harm, Spinning Crane Kick (when it hits at least 3 targets), Crackling Jade Lightning, and Soothing Mist.
This is in tier 3 of your talents along with Ascension and Chi Brew. By the looks of it they wanted to equalize these 3 talents and now it's just a personal preference of which one you want to use. 

Ring of Peace has a new visual effect that properly depicts its area-of-effect, and now disarms both enemies and those attacking allies within the Ring of Peace's area-of-effect for 4 seconds (up from 3 seconds); the silence effect for casting spells remains unchanged at 3 seconds.
I tend to use this one the most from this tier.

Rushing Jade Wind has been redesigned and replaces Spinning Crane Kick.
  • Rushing Jade Wind: The Monk summons a whirling tornado around them, dealing damage to nearby enemies (heals nearby allies for Mistweavers). Rushing Jade Wind has the same costs, Chi generation, and periodic rate as Spinning Crane kick, but, deals 60% of the periodic damage or healing, lasts 6 seconds, is instant, and not channeled. I am definitely looking forward to this. Now we have an AoE heal that will allow us to continue healing while it does it's thing. 
Zen Sphere now deals 15% more healing and damage. Something to test out, don't know how this boost will compare with Chi Wave and Chi Burst.


They made changes to some of the Major Glyphs, but the only ones that really peeked my interest are below:

Major Glyphs
  • Glyph of Detox causes Detox to heal the target when it successfully removes a harmful effect. This will come in handy on fights where you find yourself decursing a lot.
  • Glyph of Targeted Expulsion now causes Expel Harm to heal for 50% as much when used on other targets.
  • Glyph of Uplift has been replaced by Glyph of Targeted Expulsion.
  • Glyph of Targeted Expulsion allows Expel Harm to be used on other players. With Spinning Crane Kick gone there will be no need for Glyph of Spinning Crane Kick which leaves an empty slot for a new glyph, and I believe this will be the one I will use. I use Expel Harm on cooldown to regenerate chi. Now I can use it to heal someone other than myself since the majority of the time it just contributes to overhealing.
I have no complains about the changes they will be making to Mistweaver Monks, and of course nothing is ever final until the patch is out; but I'm looking forward to trying out the new raids and bosses and I hope to be able to post about them from my perspective as our guild progresses through them.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Hunter on a Mission

When I first started playing in 2006 during Burning Crusade I decided to make a hunter. 

This is Corey and her pet Nanook. I collected a few low level rare pets on her and had a great time doing it. But when Wrath came out Izzy and I went horde and so I decided that I would start a new hunter.

This is Kaliapy and her pet Rahdiggah. Yesterday I got on her and played for a little bit and realized that I don't like Orcs. She will never be my main character, so why not go with something who's backside I'll tolerate looking at better. So I made a Blood Elf hunter.

This is Kaliapy #2, but she doesn't need to know that. I leveled her to 19 and headed over to Undercity to farm a few rare pets that reside in Tirisfal Glades.

The first was Nighhowl, a level 9 wolf, however I was so freaking excited about him being there undisturbed that I forgot to take a screenshot. He's located at 42,28 by Agamand Mills, tucked between the mountains down a small slope.

Then I went to check on Palgue, a level 8 dog. He's located at 57,33 at Garrent's Haunt inside a barn sleeping in the last stall on the left hand side as you walk in.

I love this screenshot, it's the exact moment he stopped being a Rare NPC and became my pet and both were captured on screen :)

Next was Fangor, a level 5 bat. He's a level 5 and can be found at 64,81 at Deathknell in the hills behind Rotbrain Encampment. The area is very populated with low level players so you might have to wait a little bit for him to spawn. 

Then it was off to the last rare that I wanted to get in Tirisfal Glades and that was Bonechewer. He's a carrion bird and a level 7. He's located at 32,46 in the Scarlet Palisade area. You'll have to climb to the top of the watch tower and more than likely wait for him to come around.

I waited a little bit and then I finally spotted him overhead.

So I begin taming my bird, but please notice the lowbie doing his quest on the left hand side there. Well...

He decided he wanted to kill my rare and bitch slapped it before I even realized what was going on :(  So there I sat atop the tower for 20 minutes until he respawned again and this time I got him.

All these rares have a transparency to them, so they look pretty cool. There are 3 more rares from Tirisfal Glades that I'll be hunting in the next few days and when I have the guts and time to spirit walk a lot I'll head over to Elwynn Forest for 6 more rares over there. I hit level 20 last night, so it will be a little easier to travel there now :)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

WoW Screenshot a Day: Day 14 - trash

When I was thinking about how I wanted to do this screenshot I knew I didn't want to do instance trash, I wanted literal in-game trash. The problem was finding it. And I know I've seen some messy areas, I just couldn't recall where. Then it hit me, the goblins! So here is Moya meditating over the mess they've made over in Orgrimmar.

Those filthy gobs! They should be ashamed of themselves.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

WoW Screenshot a Day: Day 13 - Fast

During raid I decided to take a screenshot of my super FAST torpedo!

This is so much fun to do, however I wasn't paying attention and almost pulled Horridon!

So much to do, so little time...

When you take a break from WoW and come back closer to the end of an expansion you find yourself in a rush to catch up and there is never enough time to do EVERYTHING you wish to get accomplished. I have 4 kids, a man and a home to take care of as well. None of which can be neglected for a game, and although I do have my weak moments, I can usually tear myself away from the game to get things done, like cleaning :P but in WoW I have a list of things I want to accomplish:

  • I need to get my reputations up and I despise doing dailies, so that in itself hasn't been easy for me. I miss slapping on a tabard and running instances for rep.
  • I need to work on my legendary quest line and due to some bad luck I can't seem to get the drops I need. Mind you, Moya hit 90 about a month ago, it's not that I've been slacking, my priority has been set on gearing her for raid first and foremost.
  • I need to continue on my quest for transmog gear for Moya. I can't seem to get a full set for any of the outfits that I like.
  • I need to level up the rest of my characters, starting with my hunter. I have a project I want to do with her and her rare pet farming for the blog.

  • I need to level up Moya's professions, most of which are at 1. Unlike my shaman, whom I have been playing since 2006, I simply didn't have time to level her secondary professions at the same time as her. It irks me to have fishing and cooking barely off the ground and I believe your main character should have everything maxed out. Unfortunately I just don't have the time for everything on this list and to do that as well. 
  • I've also been getting her ready for 5.4. As one of the main raid healers, her gear needs to be in tip top shape and as high as I can get it.
  • And last but definitely not least, I still need to make money in this game. Mind you I am by no means rich. In fact I'm usually broke. The most gold I've ever had was 40k and for a lot of people that's just pocket change. None the less it's enough for me to maintain my characters and spoil them and Izzy whenever I can. That's not to say that I don't want to make even more gold, so that's something that I'm working on with the help of Nev over at Auction House Addict.
So I ask, how do you deal with the pressure of changing mains? Do you level their profession or do you continue using your old main for that? How do you manage your time and what are your priorities after a hiatus from WoW?

With 5.4 just around the corner I'm feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with my inability to catch up fast enough.

Monday, August 12, 2013

WoW Screenshot a Day: Day 12 - macro

Here is a macro that I made and used a long time ago, I just can't bare to part with it. It reminds me of too many good times in Ulduar!

I feel an Ulduar run coming on :D

Sunday, August 11, 2013

I have been spoiled!

Yesterday Izzy took me to Best Buy and got me a new video card for my comp. I've been playing WoW with the same computer for 6 years now. Mind you it's been upgraded a little with some memory, but other than that, it's just the way it came from the store. I've always played WoW with low settings, I can't handle anything else, otherwise I lag too much. If I were to put my setting on high, I would be attempting to play at 3 frames per second >.<  Even on low setting when I'm raiding and they blow Lust, I lag hard core until things normalize. Now WoW feels like a new game. I am seeing it in a different light, like I've NEVER seen it before. Even at high I am still at 60 fps, that is unheard of for me! I am soooooo looking forward to raiding tonight.

And as if that wasn't enough, he also gave up his 25" monitor cause he always plays on his laptop and barely uses it. So I have been hooked up!

My man is the best!!! :D

Friday, August 9, 2013

WoW Screenshot a Day: Day 8

Between writing my Lorewalkers guide and the post about the Raven Lord mount I never got a chance to post my #wowscreenshotaday, so here it is.

Yesterday I went to Black Temple and noticed a few "peek-a-boo" things. First and my screenshot for submission:

Akama, stealthed, awaits to battle his dark soul which is bound to Illidan Stormrage's service.

Porn in WoW? I don't know, you be the judge lol.

And my own peek-a-boo moment with Illidan himself.

Oh my! I'm glad he's wearing pants under that loin cloth >.<

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Another one off the bucket list!

When I first started playing this game back in 2006 I was pretty clueless, as most of us were. I recall seeing a Draenei for the first time, I knew I had to make one, so I immediately went to the store and bought BC. I did the starting zone quests and left Exodar for Stormwind as soon as I could manage! When I finally made it to SW the first thing I saw was a female Draenei on a mystical, blue feathered mount /jawdrop I was in love... I was determined to have one of my very own. Back then Azun could only be summoned by Druids and only if you were on or had done your flying form quest. So I worked my little druid to the bone just for a chance to have the Reins of the Raven Lord even if it wasn't on the character I wanted it for.

I farmed for it everyday with friends who knew of my obsession over it. When the next expansion came out I farmed it on my own, gotta love prowl! But still nothing :( Expansion after expansion and still no mount, I stopped visiting Sethekk Halls as often. It became a weekly ritual and sometimes not even that.

Fast forward to MoP. The last few weeks however I have been running old instances on my Monk for transmog gear, pets, etc. and 
I decided to do the Karazhan attunement on Möya, crazy I know. If you've ever done it you know what a pain in the butt it is, not because of the instances themselves but because of how many different ones it requires you to do. The first of which is Shadow Labs. As I'm heading there I tell a friend... well I'll let you read it for yourself:

I head in there bypassing all trash, only killing what I need to or agro. I get to Azun and being an OP monk I one shot him with Touch of Death. If you notice my chat window doesn't show loot, rep or any of that other stuff. But I got a glimpse of something I've never seen before while I was auto looting, so I switch over to my general screen to see what I got and THERE IT IS:

I immediately click on it! And BAM!!! ACHIEVEMENT! I didn't know it was a Feat of Strength :)

So now I am as giddy as can be. I've been after this mount since I first saw it when I started playing.

Oh and to make things even better, I was on the phone with Izzy when it dropped. That conversation went something like this:

Me: OMFG!!!
Izzy: What? What happened?
Me: I just got the Reins of the Raven Lord.
Izzy: Fuck you! Click...



All other ground mounts have been removed from my bars, I need nothing else! I am content! I'm not a huge mount collector, but this one, just this one, I have been coveting since my very first days of WoW, and now I can finally say I have it :D

The Lorewalkers...

The Lorewalkers are an MoP faction who's exalted reputation can be easily acquired. There are no daily or zone quests to grind. You can gain reputation simply by visiting monuments throughout Pandaria, completing achievements and listening to folktales. With the organized path I have provided below you can reach exalted in about an hour.

Once you've reached exalted you can buy the Lorewakers Tabard and the Disc of the Red Flying Cloud.

I did all of this on Möya yesterday while I gathered screenshots and found the easiest and fastest path for you to take. So today I'm doing it on Izzy's priest, Rahdiggah, to test my quide :)

Start in the Northern section of the Jade Forest and follow the coordinates. By the time you reach Kun-Lai Summit you have all the achievements completed. Remember, you don't need to dismount for any of these, unless it's in a building of course, all you have to do is be on the ground.

Jade Forest:
Hozen in the Mist - Hozen Speech -
What Is Worth Fighting For - The First Monks - 35,30
Legend of the Brewfathers - Xin Wu Yin the Broken Hearted -
The Dark Heart of the Mogu - Spirit Binders - 42,17
Between a Saurok and a Hard Place - The Saurok 67,29
The Seven Burdens of Shaohao - The Emperor's Burden - Part 1 -
The Seven Burdens of Shaohao - The Emperor's Burden - Part 3 - 55,56
Fish Tails - Watersmithing - 65,87

Krasarang Wilds:
Legend of the Brewfathers - Quan Tou Kuo the Two Fisted - 81,11
Ballad of Liu Lang - Waiting for the Turtle -
The Dark Heart of the Mogu - The Lost Dynasty - 50,31
The Seven Burdens of Shaohao - The Emperor's Burden - Part 4 - 40,56 (inside the second floor of the building. This one took me long cause some alli huntard decided he wanted to PvP, so after trying to get away from him because I was timing this, and him not wanting to let up. I turned around and owned him. I hope he enjoyed that. Wish I had taken a better look at his name, Grimdwarf or something like that, anyway!)
Hozen in the Mist - Hozen Maturity - 52,87
Fish Tails - Origins - 30,38 (can be accessed from outside the building)
Between a Saurok and a Hard Place - Last Stand -

Valley of the Four Winds:
Ballad of Liu Lang - Wondering Widow - 34,63
Ballad of Liu Lang - A Most Famou Bill of Sale - 55,47
Hozen in the Mist - Embracing the Passion - 83,21
Fish Tails - Waterspeakers - 61,34
What Is Worth Fighting For - Pandaren Fighting Tactics - 18,31
Ballad of Liu Lang - The Birthplace of Liu Lang - 20,55

Dread Waste:
Between a Saurok and a Hard Place - The Deserters - 67,60
Heart of the Mantid Swarm - Mantid Society - 59,55
Heart of the Mantid Swarm - Cycle of the Mantid - 48,32
Heart of the Mantid Swarm - The Empress - 35,32
Heart of the Mantid Swarm - Amber - 52,10 (entrance is at 54,16 and be ready to kill a few bugs)

Townlong Steppes:
The Seven Burdens of Shaohao - The Emperor's Burden - Part 5 - 37,62
The Song of Yaungo - Dominance - 65,49
The Song of Yaungo - Trapped in a Strange Land - 84,72

Vale of Eternal Blossoms:
What Is Worth Fighting For - Together, We Are Strong - 26,21 (be careful flying in here from Townlong Steppes, I wasn't paying attention and got dismounted. Took a nice death on Rahdiggah :P Just don't tell Izzy)
The Dark Heart of the Mogu - The Thunder King - 40,77
What Is Worth Fighting For - Always Remember - 52,68
The Seven Burdens of Shaohao - The Emperor's Burden - Part 8 - 68,44

Veiled Stair:
Between a Saurok and a Hard Place - The Defiant - 55,15 (entrance is at 50,40)

Kun-Lai Summit:
Fish Tails - Role Call - 74,83 (can be accessed from outside the building)
The Song of Yaungo - Yaungoil - 71,62
The Seven Burdens of Shaohao - The Emperor's Burden - Part 6 - 67,48
What Is Worth Fighting For - Victory in Kun-Lai - 63,40
Valley of Emperers - Kun-Lai Summit - 53,46 (entrance at 51,48. My favorite by far, it was all very Indiana Jones like, you'll see what I mean!)
The Seven Burdens of Shaohao - The Emperor's Burden - Part 2 - 43,51 (if you did the quest for the 502 item level boots, you can more than likely skip this one if you took the time to get it while you were up there)
Legend of the Brewfathers - Ren Yun the Blind - 44,53
The Seven Burdens of Shaohao - The Emperor's Burden - Part 7 - 41,42
Hozen in the Mist - The Hozen Ravage - 45,61
The Song of Yaungo - Yaungol Tactics - 50,79

As you can see, Rah started at 0 neutral with the Lorewalkers and with 10,325 Achievement Points. I headed off to the Jade Forest at 9:55 AM.

At 10:59 AM I was finished with all the achievements giving her a total of 10,425 points. That's 100 achievement points in an hour, not bad! Plus each one of those gives 2000+ rep depending on your racial/guild perk.

Once you're done in Kun-Lai Summit you can head to the Shrine to pick up all the mail from Lorewalker Cho. Each one of those is a quest to turn in which will give you 3000+ rep, again it depends on your racial/guild perk whether you get more or not.

Head over to the Seat of Knowledge just above the Mogu'shan Palace to run in your quests.  This will take you a little bit of time because every time you turn in a quest he tells you a story. At this point you can just put you're volume up and walk away until you hear a gong, then come back to turn in the next one. Of course if you like WoW lore than by all means, enjoy!

By the time you're done with all your quests you will be exalted. Rah just happened to also get his 45 exalted rep achievement from this.

Then head over to the Lorewalkers Quartermaster for your tabard and mount! She's on the left side of the room by the sleeping tiger.

So I'm leaving Rah on her flying disc for Izzy to find when he gets home :D

And here's Möya rocking her tabard and disc!

I hope this guide helps you with your Lorewalker Achivements, if you have any questions or find any typos in the coordinates please let me know :)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

People can still surprise me...

Random Acts of Kindness

Yesterday while I was out in the Barrens gathering lesser coins on Izzy's priest I ran into a warrior doing his weekly. I didn't pay much attention to him, but when I was almost done I decided to ask if he needed any of the Latent gear which my bags were full of. He said no, but thanked me for offering and from there we continued to chat while going about our grind. We both finished but continued to talk about random things in game: raiding, dailies, etc. I got back on Moya and while I was out in Kun-Lai working on my Lorewalker's Achivements, which I will get to shortly, I was also doing PvP Pet Battles, and I mentioned "hating", I used a more profane word of course, the little Direhorn pets because of how ridiculously OP they are. He laughed and mentioned they were the reason he stopped doing pet battles, although they are cute and they remind him of the dinos from The Land Before Time. We kept on talking of this and that about WoW. Then he came out to were I was and handed me a Direhorn Runt!!!

So in his honor, I named her Cera, after the triceratops in the movie :D Isn't she adorable?!?! Thank you Havoc, I don't recall the last time a perfect stranger was this nice to me in-game. It's much appreciated.

The Lorewalkers

This brings me to one of my goals for the week and that is to get exalted with the Lorewalkers. I've seen the Lorewalker's tabard a few times now in transmogs for Monks and decided I had to have one! So I started looking into how to acquire one and it seems fairly easy. I'll be working on that today and I'll show you how to get it done very fast. In less than two hours you can acquire over 100 achievement points, an exalted rep, a mount and a tabard! Can't get any easier than that!

WoW Screentshot a Day: Day 7 - A Sign

And finally my #wowscreenshotaday:

The "signs" of an Engineer! The banner says it all! If that's not enough the chopper is there to make sure you don't forget it, engineers "PWN"!!!

I love my bike and I love being an eng, it's a lot of fun. Just reading some of the warning labels on the things we can create make me giggle. The malfunctions; the near death experiences with misfired rocket boots; the wonky transporters that will turn you into a chicken, another race, or simply port you hundreds of yards up in the air! How can anyone resist?!?!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Other than WoW...

Aside from WoW, I like to play my PS Vita. When I got it it came with a one year subscription to the PlayStation Network which allows me to download some games for free. When ever they have paid games available for free download I jump on it and try them out. This past week I downloaded two games that I am really enjoying! The first is called Dokuro, and here's a description:

"Dokuro is a stoic, little skeleton who is a mere peon in the Dark Lord’s army. One fateful day he witnesses his master returning with a helplessly abducted Princess he intends to force into marriage. At once smitten by her plight, Dokuro resolves to free her from the Dark Lord’s treacherous, monster-infested castle. Along the way, he happens upon a mystical blue potion with the power to transform him into a dashing Hero tragically, this is the only time the Princess can witness his noble endeavors.

Heedless of any danger, the Princess will continue to walk forward until she encounters an obstacle she cannot overcome on her own. Dokuro must switch between his Skeleton and Hero forms to utilize his various skills and abilities. While the Skeleton form allows him to stalk about in the shadows and ensure her safe passage, the Hero form enables him to mount a gallant offensive against the armies of darkness!"

When they say she will continue to walk forward, they are not kidding. She doesn't jump at all in the game, so he must clear paths for her or carry her to safety. You are faced with puzzles that you must solve in order to get her through the castle. I love games that require me to think and strategize, so this one is definitely a keeper! Not to mention that the character is cute and has a wonderful Tim Burton feel to it :)

The other game I downloaded is Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward.

"Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward is a suspense-driven visual novel/puzzle game and spiritual sequel to the hit, 999. Zero has kidnapped nine people and placed them in a warehouse to play the deadly Nonary Game. These seemingly nine strangers have bracelets that will kill them if they don’t play the game correctly. However, how can they trust each other, and do some have ulterior motives? Play as Sigma and decide who to trust and who to betray in this plot twisting visual novel! Who is Zero, why has Sigma been brought here and who exactly are the others? With fully voiced dual language support, mind-bending puzzles and more, solve the mystery that is Zero!"

It reminds me of the movie "Saw" only not so bloody, not that I've seen yet anyway, I only just started playing it. Some puzzles are more obvious than others, which take a good deal of thinking to solve. I don't care for all the chatter when clicking on items, but over all a cool game if you're into solving mysteries and the like.
What games do you play when WoW is offline?

Monday, August 5, 2013

WoW Screenshot a Day!

This morning while I was going through my Twitter account I found a post from Velgana over at Adventures in Skywall which linked me to Toonacious who started a WoW Screenshot a Day challenge which I've decided to participate in. I've missed a few days but it's still early in the month. I wasn't ready for today's but as soon as I saw what tomorrow's topic is I knew exactly what screenshot I was going to use. The theme is "This Means A Lot To Me" and for me, this is it!

This screenshot was taken back in 2006 shortly after I started playing WoW. This was this guilds first Hydross kill in SCC. We ended up being a few healers short that day, so a few non-guildies came in to help out and fill in the gaps. It wasn't until 2 years ago looking over my saved screenshots that I noticed Rahdiggah in this picture. I met Izzy in-game around March of 2009 in a Naxx 25. Little did I know that not only my brother knew who he was, but so did two of my cousins. So this means a lot to me because it proves that some things ARE meant to be.

Weekend fun...

I'll start off with Thursday night's raid. We cleared ToT leaving Sunday a raid free day. Möya ended up with a decent amount of gear, leaving me with one forsaken blue quality ring to get rid of.

I'm getting more comfortable with my healing abilities and my mana regen is probably well over what monks need, but since I'm still learning I find it gives me a little room to mess up without going oom. I'm ranking 8th in the guild now, as far as gear is concerned, just above my shaman. Not bad for a week, last Wednesday I was 18th! I'm almost completely ready for 5.4.

Last week I was farming cobalt to level my engineering and I remembered reading about the unborn val'k pet. I decided to look at the spawn points while mining. While I was in Dragonblight I spotted her! Unfortunately my pets were only at level 15, so I couldn't capture her, but I let a guildy know and he quickly came along to scoop her up. Ever since I've been determined to have her and I spent all week leveling my pets. So this week I'm on a mission to find her again and capture her for myself.

Friday night Izzy and I went out for dinner and a movie. On our way to the theater his car's transmission took a shit and we had to go back home to switch to mine. We weren't about to let that ruin our night. We ended up watching Wolverine. The visual effects were good, it was an over all good movie. After the movie we went to Friday's for dinner, but decided to take it to go instead and stayed up watching TV till 4 am.

Saturday Izzy had to work so I spent most of the day hanging out with the kids  and picking up around the house.

Sunday was family day, we went to my mom's house for lunch with the grandparents, my brother and his family and of course my mom and her husband. After lunch my brother and his family came over for some Xbox fun and dinner.

We played Street Fighter, Tekken and Injustice. We spend the day passing the controllers around challenging each other!

Over all a great weekend on and off game. Looking forward to some relaxation today and closing up my wow week by making my Blingtron and hopefully finding my Unborn Valk!