Monday, July 29, 2013

Getting Lucky!

I leveled Möya so fast that she still has 16 slot bags >.<  So last night I decided that today I would get her some free bags, like the ones that drop from OS and Onyxia, etc. I seem to be on a roll with Möya lately though, I've been running old raids for transmog gear and I've ended up with tons of pets. So needless to say I went to do Ony on her for the first time a little while ago and not only did I get the bag but I got the mount as well!

Izzy is the mount whore, I prefer the pets, although I don't get fanatic over it either. The last two days he's given me a nice F U over mounts. Not only did I end up with Ony's today but a few night's ago we ended up with a Primal Egg in my bags from a ToT quest which gave me a pretty Black Primal Raptor last night during raid! Needless to say he's a little bit jealous lol. 

And speaking of raid, Möya is doing so much better, I'm actually on the heal meters now lol.

This was a wipe of course, but the point is that I'm on there!

He had a hard time with Lei Shen yesterday, mainly to RNG, but this ia pretty muh how I did over all last night. Mind you I'm still only at a 496 item level while everyone else is over 522, so I'm proud of myself. I've managed to not only switch my main on a very short notice, but I'm also getting the hang of Monk healing very fast. It's not second nature yet, I do get myself into a zone and then when shit hits the fan I panic and fumble over what spells to use. Practice will resolve that issue. I'm looking forward to tomorrow when I can do some ToT LFRs and hopefully get rid of the rest of the blues and lower level LFR items that I have. Möya needs to be ready for 5.4 as she will be one of the main raid healers :D

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Last night was a success, for me anyway! I managed to do Heroic Jin'rokh without needing to be scraped off the floor. I died just like everyone else when it was a wipe and I was thankfully not the cause of any of them. My under-geared self probably didn't even beat the dk tank in healing, but I contributed with my OP Revival and healed my little Monk ass off. I didn't get anything off the boss not even with my coin, he dropped crap loot and a lot of repeats. After that we worked on Heroic HorridonI died once or twice due to standing or running into poop on the ground, but other than that it wasn't too bad. When we had 30 minutes left of raid time we switched to norm and killed him. I used my coin and received the Roots of Rampaging Earth legs, not the greatest for me but it's still a big upgrade from raid finder gear. I was also given the Petrified Eye of the Basilisk ring because at this point anything is an upgrade, but I gave it to Izzy for his priest after raid because the ring has mastery and I know I would replace it first chance I got. On Council of Elders I lagged and died to standing on quicksand so just watch the other Monk healer fistweave the entire fight and do about 80k hps just from eminence, it's crazy! I got my tier gloves and the other two items that would be available to me there have mastery so I decided not to waste a coin. Then we did Tortos, thankfully I managed not to die to swirling turtles and when the fight was over I used my last coin and got Robes of Concussive Shocks Thunderforged!

Over all it was a great night, I went from a 476 ilvl to a 486 in just a few short hours. Today I'm running the rest of ToT LFRs in hopes of more upgrades, who knows maybe Thursday I can actually outheal the tank :P
As it stands according to WoW Heroes I'm ranking 18th of the healers in my guild as far as gear is concerned.

There I am all the way down there lol. Izzy on Rahdiggah has been getting gear consistently for the last 2 weeks, so he's 7th right now and that's because he hasn't had time to work on his priest with his new production manager job, otherwise I know he would be higher. Even with his gear as it stands he's out-healing everyone. Maybe I'll pick his brain one of these days and post about Holy Priest healing, I'm know there's A LOT he can teach. My shaman was getting up there but I stopped taking loot since I knew I was going to be switching to Möya. I'll check back with WoW Heroes next week to see my progression in guild and after that I might be able to start comparing myself to other Monks on our server.

I'm glad the stress and anticipation of last night is over and I'm looking forward to gearing up Möya and improving my Mistweaving skills.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Under-geared and raiding? (Heroic Jin'rokh)

Well, that's what I'm supposed to be doing tonight! Thanks to a full maintenance today I can't be on Möya right now running LFR for gear. Instead I've been getting lots of other things done around the house, like laundry, cleaning, practicing the piano and of course dealing with the babies, that never changes.

Since I wasn't able to get my gear high enough last Tuesday I am to start raiding today instead, and in true form, I am freaking out! We've killed him a few times now so I'm glad it's not our first attempt, but I'm still at a 476 item level and my HP is still not high enough for cover the damage of Ionization in Heroic Jin'rokh which inflicts 450k damage when removed. As a Monk I'll be using Defuse Magic but it's still a scary though.

I've been reading up on the fight from a Mistweaver Monk's perspective, since I've never raided as anything other than a resto shaman before I need as much advice and help as I can get. Icy-Veins has a great guide for Throne of Thunder as a Mistweaver here. I also found some YouTube videos of the fight from a healing Monk's perspective here and here. I have a lot of studying to do and hopefully I can get some practice time in LFR before raid tonight.

Wish me luck, I'm gonna need it! I hope not to emberrace myself too much :P

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Tanking from the toilet... wait... WHAT???

Izzy and I are doing some LFRs tonight, mostly for his pally (Moya's leveling partner), cause I've maxed out on valor and loot I can get from them for the week, so we're trying to get him caught up. We start on Will of the Emperor and he tells me that he's getting a stomach ache. He asked me if I thought that he could AFK during the fight since he's already got the boos in place. I kinda freak out a little and tell him to hold it, to which of course he tells me that he doesn't think he can. Not even 30 seconds later I hear him head to the bathroom and then ask me how he's doing in-game. O.o  I turn around to look and his laptop is gone and I can see from where my desk is a silhouette of his comp on his lap while he's in the toilet... The things we do for WoW... Maybe one of these says I can get him to tell you about the scar he acquired on his foot while raiding. The man has stories to tell about this game :D

What crazy things have you done for the games you love?

Dating again...

The kids got home yesterday from their father's house and I was happy to see them, I missed them terribly, even if 5 minutes later they are driving me insane. A few weeks ago Jr (he's 12) was given a Doctor Who sonic screwdriver? by his grandmother, I don't watch the show so I'm totally clueless. When we put the batteries in the damn thing it wouldn't SHUT UP! So last weekend Izzy and I went to Hot Topic to get it exchanged and while we were there we got him a Doctor Who Keep Calm Seat Belt belt and he loved it! He had been sweating Izzy's Star Wars one, so we figured we'd get him one of his own so he could nerd out the first day of school! Needless to say he was very excited to see that not only did we finally exchange his broken toy, but we added to it to make up for him having to wait for our procrastinating asses.

After dinner everyone was pretty much nerding out, Jr was in bed on his 3DS XL and Ashley (she'll be 15 in Septemeber) was watching one of her little girly movies while Rene (he's 2) was playing on his Mobigo2. Izzy and I were going to hit WoW when he got the urge to go get some ice cream. While driving we couldn't decide where to go for ice cream, then we thought about buying a movie, but we've sen everything and none of the movie we wanted to buy are out on DVD yet >.<, so he gets the idea in his head that we should go to the movies! Mind you it's 9:30 pm and the next showing was at 10:40 pm. So I think about it for a minute and figure what the heck! We haven't gone out ALONE since Livy was born 5 months ago... how sad :(

So we head back home without our ice cream, ask Ash if she wants to baby sit for $20 and of course she jumps on that right away. Besides, Jr is in bed doing his thing, Livy is out for the night and Rene is falling asleep by now on the sofa next to her, so it's easy money for her and Izzy and I get some alone time.

We went to see Red 2 and it was hilarious! The first one was great and the second one was even better! It was nice to be able to cuddle in the theater, chit chat and just be in each other's company without kids interrupting every 5 minutes lol. We got home around 1 am and Ash was still up watching tv, as we expected, everyone else was out for the night.

We settled into our PJs, got on WoW and about 5 minutes later decided that other sources of entertainment were available to us, and did that instead ;)

Now it's Saturday morning and we've already done what feels like a million things... Izzy took Ash to the bookstore to get a hard copy of her summer reading book and then to the grocery store. While they were gone I got the laundry started, and picked up around the house cause since I cleaned yesterday I'd like it to look like it for at least another day :P When Izzy got back he bathed the dog while I got lunch started and now here I am sitting in front of my comp blogging and thinking about what I need to accomplish on Möya so don't fail hard core on Tuesday.

I need to finish my weekly so that I can upgrade my legs, hopefully into something that I can use, and then possibly do Nalak or, even better, Oondasta. I just need 4 little item level points to go into the ToT LFR so that I can be closer to where I need to be for Tuesday.

Izzy is going to help me on his priest, it should be interesting, there's nothing more fun to watch than two healers trying to dps in healing gear >.< At least his gear is epic, all I have for pew pew is reg dungeon blues...

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Gearing up in a hurry... continued.

Yesterday around 5 pm a guildy asked me if I was going to be raiding on Möya, and when I told him yes he made me a leather 476 item level chest piece and gloves! I immediately upgraded a few pieces with the valor and justice points that I had and was well on my way to doing LFR! Every boss in the first 2 raids gave me loot. Talk about getting lucky! Unfortunately that's all I had time for, dinner needed to be made, kids needed to be fed, hubby needed attention before raid, so poor Möya was left with a 470 item level. it's not bad considering that in a day she jumped 30 points in item level. So today the grind continues and hopefully by Thursday I'll be at around 500 and be able to raid with the guild. Fingers crossed!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Gearing up in a hurry!

Yesterday I hit 90 with Möya, my monk mistweaver, and I'm in a huge hurry to gear her up because I've already been ranked as a 25 man raider for the guild!
She's at a 440 item level right now and I need to get her to at least 500. That's a huge task which is going to require a lot of luck from LFR. I've already gotten her the 502 boots, and now I'm working on the Barrens weekly to get her a chest piece I picked up on another toon, just need the mojo. Then hopefully through a few heroics I'll be able to get into the first raids in LFR and go from there. It's a very daunting task, but definitely a challenge that I am up for. I'll continue to update this post as the day progresses and let's see how far I've gotten by 7pm EST, which is our raid time.

It's 10:15 am and they were just doing rolling restarts, so I'm gonna go check if WoW is back up now so I can get started on my crazy mission to raid heal tonight.

It's now 12:47 pm and Möya's item level is now 451. Just a little bit more to go to be able to get into LFR.  The grind continues...

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Spirit Link Totem - share the love... err hp

Spirit Link Totem: This totem reduces damage taken by all party and raid members within 10 yards by 10%. Every 1 sec, the health of all affected players is redistributed, such that each player ends up with the same percentage of their maximum health. Lasts 6 sec. This counts as an Air totem and has a 3 minute cooldown.

In other words, two things happen when you drop Spirit Link, the first is that everyone within your totem's area of effect get's a 10% damage reduction. Not a bad thing for times of heavy damage. The second thing is that everyone within the 10 yard radius of the totem has their health averaged out. If you have someone at 75% HP and another at 25% HP they will both end up at 50% when the totem is in place.

One of the most important things about using Spirit Link, which is constantly overlooked, is not so much when to use it but HOW. I've seen plenty of shaman's that don't understand it's ability and just use it at the wrong time. However my pet peeve is when they don't even know where it drops! They seem to just cross their fingers and hope that it lands where there's people taking damage.

Here's Rhyannon with a simple diagram showing where your Spirit Link appears when you drop it. Because it's an Air Totem it will always be to your left hand side and behind you.

Here's another example of how it would work in a group setting: Let's pretend that the target dummy is the tank, and the boss is between the tank and the melee group. For it to affect everyone in your melee group you want to position yourself so that IT lands roughly in the middle of the melee group. If you try to position yourself in the middle you are very likely to miss some people and not get as much benefit out of your totem as you should.

As healers we're always told to stay ranged, as Izzy usually likes to point out to me, but shamans are allowed to get down and dirty with the melee every now and then. I usually like to remind him that my shield alone has more armor than all his holy priest's gear put together. Besides I've been known to block an attack or two from a boss before :P So don't be scared to get in there, but as with everything, make sure you know what the melee role is. If they have to move, you must be able to follow. And whatever you do, don't get between a boss and his tank, or the boss just might be tempted to high-five you... really hard... in the face.

Use your Spirit Link with caution. Make sure you know the boss encounter, when the heaviest amount of damage happens, how long the fight lasts and if you should or shouldn't try to include the tank. There are some fights where the tank needs to be topped off at all times and you dropping a Spirit Link on him and the melee group could in fact wipe the raid.

As a healer you should always anticipate incoming damage, so I usually set up by being in the correct position for totem placement, I then use Unleash Elements which gives me a temporary buff of Unleash Life, then I put down a Healing Rain just before dropping a Spirit Link Totem and follow up by Chain Heal spamming.

Practice makes perfect, so while you're sitting there waiting for a queue to pop, drop your Spirit Link a few times and test out you're placement. It's only a 3 minutes cooldown, it'll be up before you actually need to use it and it's well worth it when you can execute it perfectly in a raid.

Monday, July 1, 2013

My blogging life begins...

A while back I decided I wanted to start a blog... So I did... I also failed at it miserably. I wrote a few posts, got bored and quit. I figured this time around I should write about something that I love. And I love games, World of Wardcraft in particular. I have an additive personally, I guess you could say, and when I find a game, movie, song, etc. that I love... I. Wear. It. Out! Some of my addictions include, but are not limited to, WoW, Xbox, PS Vita and the many wondrous iPhone games which get regularly played in the bathroom (don't act like you go to the bathroom without your smartphone).

A little about me: I live with my boyfriend, Izzy, and 4 kids ages ranging from 4 months to 14 years old. We have a black cat named Hitler and a bulldog named Titus Pullo. We live and Miami, where it's summer all year long and people can't drive. Izzy and I like to game together, in fact, we met in WoW back in 2009 and haven't stopped playing together since.

I am a girl, in case you missed the context clues, AND I have a potty mouth. I will do my best to keep it clean-ISH, but I make no promises or guarantees of any kind :P You'll find me blogging about games and game related topics (mainly about WoW and specifically healing cause that's what I do, I heal), as well as my everyday life. Hope to see you around.